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ACR38 Smart Card Reader Software Development Kit

ACR38 Smart Card Reader Software Development Kit


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The ACR38 CCID SDK is a complete package containing all the vital components required for smart card application development. The ACR38 CCID SDK provides developers with tools and utilities and sample codes making it convenient and effective to incorporate smart cards into their solutions.

ACR38 SDK Contents

Smart Card Reader

ACR38 CCID Smart Card Reader

ACR38T CCID SIMTracker Smart Card Reader

ABR08LS Balance Reader

Smart Cards

5 ACOS3 Microprocessor-based Smart Cards

5 ACOS3 SIM-sized Microprocessor-based Smart Cards

5 SLE 5528 Memory-based smart cards

5 SLE 5542 Memory-based smart cards


Demo Applications – These demo programs showcases the wide range of applications where ACR38, e.g. e-purse, physical and logical access control

  • Casino Application
  • School Application

Sample Codes

  • Delphi
  • Visual C#
  • VB .NET
  • Visual Basic
  • Visual C++
  • Visual C++ (x64)
  • Java

Tools & Utilities

  • Card Tool
  • PC/SC Learning Tool
  • Quick View
  • Scripting Tool

User Manuals and Reference Materials

  • ACR38 SDK User Manual
  • ACR38 CCID Reference Manual
  • ACR38 CCID PCSC Memory Card Access
  • ACR38 CCID Change Log
  • ACR38 CCID T echnical Specifications
  • ACR38T-IBS CCID Technical Specifications
  • ABR Series – Balance Reader Technical Specifications
  • ACOS3 Reference Manual
  • Training Materials

SDK OS Support

Windows ® 98, 2000, XP, Vista